Assured have partnered with organisations that have proven track records of innovation, sustainability and quality products over many decades. In doing so we have been able to work with Siteco and Clevertronics to deliver a unique
10 year warranty on all products and components we integrate into our building wide lighting solutions.
Siteco and Clevertronics have the innovation, sustainability, commercial and manufacturing
capability to deliver on projects of any size and challenges through our Partnership
Specialist emergency lighting solutions manufacturer formed and headquartered in Australia. Clevertronics have over 50% of the emergency lighting market in Australia, New Zealand and surrounding areas which is testament to the quality of their products. In Europe, Clevertronics are headquartered out of London delivering solutions to a wide range of educational establishments and others.
One of the worlds oldest lighting designers and manufacturers since being formed over 150 years ago. Originally called Siemens Technology Company, and up until recently part of OSRAM. Siteco are based out of Germany and deliver market leading lighting products and solutions across the globe.
Registered Company Name: Registered Company Name: ASSURED ENERGY SOLUTIONS LIMITED
Registered Address: Registered Address: Parkway House, Palatine Road, Northenden, Manchester M22 4DB
Registered Company Number: Registered Company Number: 06521787