LED New Build

New build lighting projects

Assured work with end clients, consultants, developers and M&E contractors to deliver lighting solutions across new build estates of properties.

New build project designs

We have significant experience in working across large new build developments of student accommodation. We have completed the delivery and commissioning on over 8000 bedroom new build properties over the last 3 years.

We engage early on in a project lifecycle at the design and planning stage through to completion on a project-based approach to delivery. We work with the design consultants from a product manufacturer perspective to help ensure the clients requirements are fulfilled from vision and budgetary perspectives.

Once a specification is in place, we will work with the main contractors to deliver this through to completion for product delivery, call off plans, on site commissioning etc. We will support in the design process to arrive at the final specification and where needed, recommend suitable value engineered options to help deliver against the commercial aspects of a project. 

New build lighting projects

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